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Gift a Bright Smile for the Holidays

December 2, 2020

Woman wearing a Santa hat after teeth whitening. As we head into the holiday season, you’re searching for the perfect presents to put under the tree. Although there are many excellent options, why not give something better than one that will sit on a shelf collecting dust in a few months? Instead, give a gift that keeps on giving with professional teeth whitening. Here’s how you can ensure your friend or loved one starts the year feeling their best with a beautiful, bright smile.


Need a New Dentist in Anthem? Get the Care You Deserve

November 24, 2017

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Man happy at dentistThe American Dental Association recommends that everyone over the age of two visits their dentist in Anthem twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. However, a survey by Gallup reports that one-third of adult Americans do not do so. Often, this is the result of a bad dental experience in the past, such as an unfriendly environment, lack of complete services, or not being able to find an in-network dentist. Despite the previous complications, it should not keep you from scheduling an appointment. By choosing a new dental team, you will get the care and the services that you deserve.